Thigh Lift

thigh lift staten islandThigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs through the reduction excess skin and excess fat. The end result is much smoother skin and more proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.
A thigh lift may be for you if fitness and weight control efforts have not achieved the goals you desired.

Body Contouring Overview

Many people visit Dr. Biagio Pacifico, a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon operating in New Jersey, Brooklyn and Staten Island, for a thigh lift surgery due to physical discomfort and dissatisfaction with their appearance caused by excess skin following massive weight loss. A buttock lift, tummy tuck and liposuction may be needed to help patients attain the shape of their body they want to have.

The Procedure

Thigh lifts are always performed under general anesthesia. The procedure involves small incisions in the groin area and inner thigh. Dr. Pacifico will discuss with you during your consultation where and what kind of incisions will minimize visible scarring.
A thigh lift involves mainly the inner thigh. Incisions may extend from the the buttocks to the groin area. Excess skin will then be removed, and the leftover skin will be stretched and repositioned to create a smooth and firm contour.

Reasons to get a thigh lift:

thigh lift brooklyn

  • Discomfort – Excess skin between the legs from significant weight loss can cause physical discomfort, as well as an issue with self-perception. Even mild exercise can cause chafing between your legs, leading to the inability to exercise.
  • Appearance – The reason for a thigh lift is to help restore the body back to a more natural look and feel.

Since you worked so hard to achieve that body you exercised to get, you owe to yourself to make it physically look the best it can be.
Immediately following your procedure, a supportive garment will be given for you to wear to help compress the surgical area. The elastic girdle will help minimize swelling in the surgical area to return to its natural tightness. Any discomfort following surgery can be controlled via medications prescribed by Dr. Pacifico.
Swelling and bruising will start to subside within several days. Patients are able to resume most normal day-to-day activities during that time. Final results of the finished product will be visible in four to six weeks following surgery. Dr. Pacifico will schedule multiple follow-up visits to monitor your recuperation.
Thigh Lift Safety
Of course, all surgeries come with some level of risk, but thigh lift surgery is a relatively safe and effective surgery. A thigh lift is an adequate solution to eliminating that unwanted excess skin. Dr. Pacifico will discuss all post-surgery care with you during your consultation. Be sure to ask any questions you may have regarding the thigh lift surgery process.
Ready to apply? Please call our offices, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions. Schedule a consultation today!

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