Tummy Tuck Vs. Liposuction: What’s the Difference?

Many men and women across the country struggle to get rid of stubborn fat and sagging skin in their abdominal area. While many people desire a stomach that is flat and smooth, they don’t know how to achieve their goal. Dr. Biagio Pacifico offers body contouring plastic surgery in Staten Island and Brooklyn, NY, that helps patients drastically improve their abdominal area.

While most people know that undergoing a tummy tuck or liposuction procedure are both great options for attaining a flatter stomach, they don’t know that the two procedures produce very different results. Before undergoing any body contouring procedure, you should consult a board certified plastic surgeon so that you can make an informed decision about which procedure is right for you.

Tummy Tuck

Professionally referred to as an “abdominoplasty,” a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from a patient’s abdomen. A tummy tuck will also restore weakened abdominal muscles to give your stomach a flatter and smoother appearance. This procedure is ideal for patients who suffer from loose skin or stretched muscle tissue.

Patients over the age of 40 would be ideal candidates because at this age the skin usually loses its elasticity and the underlying muscles can become loose or separated. Women who have undergone multiple pregnancies may find interest in the surgery as well to help regain their pre-pregnancy bodies.


Liposuction surgery involves removing stubborn fat deposits in isolated areas to improve the shape and proportion of a patient’s body. The procedure can be used to remove fat from more than just your stomach as it can also be used on the waist, back, buttocks, chin, ankles, hips and a number of other areas of the body. Liposuction is not a substitute for diet and exercise and is not a solution for getting rid of sagging skin, cellulite, or stretch marks.

Ideal candidates for liposuction would be those under the age of 40 whose skin does not suffer from reduced elasticity. Patients should only be looking to remove fat deposits from targeted areas and improving their body’s contouring. Ideal candidates would have a moderate body weight as liposuction is not ideal for obese patients and is not a weight loss tool.

Combining Procedures

In some cases, your surgeon may recommend combining a tummy tuck and liposuction procedure to achieve your desired body contour goals. Patients who suffer from both stubborn fat deposits and sagging skin or weak abdominal muscles would be candidates for undergoing both procedures. Combining the procedures allows doctors to address exercise resistant fat while simultaneously removing loose skin and repairing weak muscle tissue.

Those interested in undergoing a tummy tuck or liposuction surgery should enlist the help of an experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. Biagio Pacifico is a board-certified plastic surgeon that offers tummy tucks in Staten Island and Brooklyn, NY. For more information on Dr. Biagio Pacifico’s services please dial 718-761-3700.


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